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Jerusalema Challenge

Bring your dancing shoes. Lisette Rodriguez will be leading us in dance. Come along bring a friend and lots of energy. We'll be joining the rest of the world by taking on the #Jerusalema challenge - the dance that is taking the world by storm!!!. We are inspired by the Dominican sisters in South Africa - Sr Emmarentia Thembelihle.


We hope to use this challenge as an outreach tool to let the broader community of Baldivis know that we are here with our beautiful new church waiting to welcome and meet them.


Let's go St Mother Teresa Parish Baldivis!!! Wear blue and white colours please. 💃


Check our Facebook Page for rehearsal times


Also check out this video on how this worldwide phenomenon started…/the-dancing-nuns-why-we-did-th…/…


Fr Geoff completes 55 years as a priest

Blessed 55th Anniversary of your Priestly ordination Father Geoff. May you always be blessed and sustained by God’s grace.

Thank you for all of your service to God, the Church and all it’s people.

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Masses in new church

6 June 2020 marked a significant stage in the history of our parish, with the opening Masses in our new church. With the 2 additional Masses (Sunday 8.00 am and 5.00 pm), we managed a comfortable distribution of attendees, keeping to the 100 limit, and not having to turn any away. We’ll stay with the 4 Masses for the moment, suggesting that the 2 extra Masses will be least likely to ‘fill up’ for the time being.

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Archbishop visits new Church at Baldivis

Perth Archbishop Timothy Costelloe SDB has visited the new St Teresa of Calcutta Church at Baldivis Parish.


The new Church, on Eighty Road Baldivis, was built by Sanpro Constructions, and was completed at the end of April. Further additions to landscaping are being completed in the coming weeks.


In visiting the new Church, Archbishop Costelloe had the opportunity to speak with Parish Priest Fr Geoff Aldous, the Parish Council and Building Committee as well as several parishioners.

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Covid19 update

The Archdiocese of Perth released a revised series of directives for Churches and Chapels in relation to COVID-19, (Phase 4) which come into effect across the Archdiocese of Perth Saturday 27 June 2020. More details can be had at

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